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健康和 运动科学B.S.

探索 the fields of academic, clinical and corporate 体育运动, 健康, and fitness.
Student 研究ers take measurements while 研究 subject is on a treadmill.


在运动科学中, 你会检查生理的, 机械, and psychological aspects of physical activity, 体育运动, 健康相关行为. 探索 the different facets of 人类的表现, 包括人体生理学, 解剖学, 代谢和肌肉系统, 以及研究和测试协议. 然后, use electives to jump into your unique interests—you can even minor in areas such as disability studies, 体育管理, 营养, 或指导.

This degree is a great foundation for further study and professional training towards careers in athletic training, 物理治疗, 或者临床健康, or for an advanced degree in kinesiology.

Here are a few highlights of the program:

  • Exercise science offers a natural sciences degree track suitable for all students interested in allied 健康 and 体育运动 related professions.
  • Exercise science faculty are 研究 leaders in their fields.
  • B.S. offers experiential learning opportunities, 包括在教职工实验室, 专业实习, 出国留学.
  • We offer a 3+3 DPT (doctorate of Physical 的rapy) program in collaboration with 纽约州立大学北部医科大学*

*Separate application to 纽约州立大学北部医科大学 required.











大卫B. 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院

Falk College academic degree programs focus on holistic 健康 and wellbeing, 人类的表现, 体育商业企业. 的 college’s signature emphasis on experiential learning supports student success through intentional internship requirements, 教师指导的研究项目, 浸没式旅游, 以及全球留学. 在他们教育的每一个阶段, Falk College students engage in meaningful work to advance their disciplines and careers.


Core coursework emphasizes 解剖学 and physiology, human behavior, and personal 健康. 样本课程包括:

  • 体育运动心理学
  • 营养与健康
  • 人体运动分析
  • 运动生理学
  • 条件作用的科学原理
  • 运动损伤的预防与护理

Bring your knowledge into the field for an immersive 270-hour internship experience at major area hospitals, 私人诊所, or college and professional athletic teams. 的re’s no shortage of options in Syracuse, including three major hospitals within walking distance of campus, 本地私人执业设置, 与教师合作的研究项目, 和澳门线上赌场田径运动.

Select the degree track that best meets your goals:

  • 一般健康与运动科学: Prepare for careers in community or corporate fitness, 临床生理学, 医学, 运动医学, 研究, 公共卫生, 以及临床健康专业.
  • Pre-Physical疗法: Prepare for graduate study in 物理治疗 or related areas.
  • 3+3 DPT程序与 纽约州立大学北部医科大学得了B.S. in exercise science and a doctorate of 物理治疗 (DPT) in 6 years instead of the usual 7.

加入 教师指导的研究项目 and contribute to the next scientific breakthrough. 收集和分析数据. Publish as an author or co-author on scholarly articles. 在会议上展示你的发现.

It all starts in our dedicated on-campus exercise science labs:

  • Cardiovascular Laboratory: Assess cardiovascular structure and function to explore the impact of exercise on emerging markers of cardiovascular disease risk.
  • Kinesmetrics实验室: 应用 objective measurement tools to understand physical behaviors’ (sleep, sedentary behavior and physical activity) consequences on 健康.
  • 临床研究实验室: Measure cardio-metabolic risk factors—such as insulin resistance, 代谢综合征, and type 2 diabetes—和 effects of exercise in obese populations.
  • 的 Hypoxia/Altitude Simulation Laboratory: Assess the role of low oxygen (hypoxia) on human physical performance using a high-altitude simulation chamber.




澳门线上赌场 is home to 更多的 than 300 extracurricular groups, so you’ll never run out of ways to live and learn. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • 运动科学俱乐部 student organization gives you professional networking and leadership opportunities, all while meeting people who share your interests in wellness, 健康, 和锻炼.
  • First-year exercise science majors can live together, 分享第一学期课程, and explore career interests through guest speakers, 实验室的示威游行, 并通过实地考察 健康和 Exercise Science 学习ing Community.
  • 加入 娱乐活动 from 体育运动s clubs to intramural teams in expansive facilities, including the 拱门的巴恩斯中心.

Experience Exercise Science Across the World

雪城大学海外分校 consistently ranks among the highest-quality international study programs in the country. Syracuse offers short- and long-term options in 更多的 than 60 countries, 包括实习, 社区参与计划, 以及各个层次的语言学习. 例如:

  • Take a 3-week 研究 and teaching expedition to the foot of the highest mountain on Earth, 尼泊尔的珠穆朗玛峰, where you’ll learn how the human body responds to high altitude.
  • Take a 3-week course to Peru in South America and visit Cusco and Machu Picchu, where you'll learn about highland native populations and how the human body responds to high altitude.
  • Collaborate with local community partners in Grahamstown, 南非, to implement and evaluate a mutually-designed 健康 education program.

Choose Your 职业道路 in Exercise Science

Some graduates choose to pursue a doctorate of 物理治疗 (DPT) program or another clinical 健康 program. Other graduates are top candidates for advanced study in training and coaching, 包括认证提供的 美国运动医学学院National Strength and Conditioning Association.


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